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Join the momondo Affiliate ProgrammePartner with momondo to help your customers find cheap flight, hotel, and car hire deals quickly and easily, and earn money whilst doing so!Who is momondo?momondo is a free and inspirational global travel search site that compares prices on flights, hotels and car hire. We serve travellers across more than 30 markets globally, and offer a bold and colourful travel universe that provides complete price transparency across flights, hotels and cars, inspiring – and enabling – everyone to explore our wonderful world. We come highly recommended by the good people of The Telegraph, The Sun, Times and The Financial Times (to name but a few). We are not a travel agency. We do not sell flight tickets, hotel bookings or car hire deals.. We are a price comparison and travel inspiration site with a vision of opening up the world for everyone. momondo is managed by KAYAK, an independent subsidiary of Booking Holdings Inc.So why should you join?● Earn up to £0.40 CPA for each user’s click out – one of the highest rates in the industry ● Become associated with a strong, established and reputable brand● TV presence in the United Kingdom● Access to unique creatives which add useful functionality to your site, and enable your users to find the best flights, hotels and car hires on the web.How do you make money with momondo? Affiliates are paid when the user clicks out from a search result (view deal) for one of our top 3 products – hotels, flights, and cars.momondo offers a commission of:- Flights – CPA is £0.40 for desktop and tablet and £0.30 for mobile- Hotels – CPA is £0.31 for desktop and tablet and £0.20 for mobile- Car hire – CPA is £0.32 for desktop and tablet and £0.25 for mobileCookie length is 30 minutes and click-outs only account for post-click conversions, not for post-view conversions.momondo do not pay out commission on:1. Error fare traffic2. Traffic over 500 clicks with booking conversion below 1% per calendar day3. More than 5 click-outs from one user for each search within a session4. Any transaction that occurs more than 30 mins after the user is redirected to momondo5. Clicks resulting from users being redirected to momondo with incorrect tracking (where the programme ID passed on tracking does not match the domain locale. Global programmes are the only exception)Note that affiliates are not allowed to use ad links (e.g. from google search or other momondo ads) but strictly links taken from the momondo website. Payments will be made on a monthly basis within forty-five (45) days of the end of each applicable month.Commission payoutsmomondo reports your performance into the affiliate network platform daily, meaning that you can follow your performance only one day after you enable the placement on your site. The one day delay is due to the validation process of the transactions on our end. The purpose of this is to ensure that you only see transactions that you are paid for. Transactions here are when users click out from momondo to one of our suppliers and is based on our robust session tracking.Every day momondo will automatically review the data to validate the transactions in accordance with our programme T&Cs. For each Validated Transaction, we pay a fixed CPA based on the device (with tablet browser being considered web).Is your website suitable?momondo is open to working with all websites that comply with our terms and conditions; however, travel, holiday or destination specific websites tend to perform best. Whether you’re a small, independent blog, or a large, established travel site, we are happy to receive your application and welcome you as an affiliate.Domain language and relevancePlease apply to the programme that is most relevant to your traffic and website as your links will then go to the correct momondo domain. Your website must match the language of the momondo domain you are linking to for both tracking and user experience reasons. momondo has affiliate programmes and specialised domains for most larger countries and if you wish to link to multiple momondo domains you are required to apply to all the different programmes and use the programme-specific tracking links when sending traffic to the different momondo domains to earn programme-specific commission for that traffic. Should we find that you are linking to the incorrect domain, you will be paused or removed from the program, and we reserve the right not to pay for this traffic.If there is not a designated programme to support your market or language, then you can apply to our Global programme, where you have the option to link to and earn the commission of the global programme. Via the Global programme you are also able to link to all momondo domains, however you would earn the Global programme commission for that traffic. All new publishers joining the Global programme are advised to link to