DHgate affiliate program

DHgate has an affiliate program in Great Britain. The affiliate program of DHgate is available at via the affiliate network Admitad and has a commission of 2.00 – 51.00% with a cookie time of 30 days. Further details about the DHgate at Admitad can be found below.
NetworkCommissionCookie Time
Admitad2.00 – 51.00%30 daysSign up now!
logo: DHgate

Other countries

DHgate has affiliate programs in multiple countries, other countries where DHgate is active are listed below.

Details affiliate program DHgate

DHgate at Admitad

DHgate is a leading online shopping platform for both retailers and wholesalers from China!DHgate.com is the world’s leading online wholesale marketplace for goods made in China, connecting international buyers with Chinese wholesale sellers who offer the same quality products found elsewhere at a fraction of the price. DHgate hosts over 30 million products in a wide range. Get low prices on top selling products such as but not limited to wedding dresses, tablet pc, and cell phones. Sellers on DHgate offer a huge range of goods from China at very attractive prices. Here are and Chinese electronics, and a variety of accessories for popular gadgets, cheap clothes, shoes, jewelry, watches, sports goods, household goods, toys and much more. We can say that on DHgate have almost all kinds of consumer goods that are manufactured in China. Sellers of goods sent by post to all over the world.Each product has its own commision rate: minimum = 2%, maximum = 51%.You may find each product`s commission in the below:0

Start date
2.00 – 51.00%
Cookie Time
30 days
Deeplink supported
Deeplink support: true
Discount codes
Discount codes: true
Search engine marketing
Search engine marketing: true
Email marketing
Email marketing: true
Cashback allowed
Cashback: true