Hero Wars affiliate program

Hero Wars has an affiliate program in Germany. The affiliate program of Hero Wars is available at via the affiliate network Admitad and has a commission of €0.50 – 6.50 with a cookie time of 30 days. Further details about the Hero Wars at Admitad can be found below.
NetworkCommissionCookie Time
Admitad€0.50 – 6.5030 daysSign up now!
logo: Hero Wars


Other countries

Hero Wars has affiliate programs in multiple countries, other countries where Hero Wars is active are listed below.

Details affiliate program Hero Wars

Hero Wars at Admitad

Creatives Negative keywordsTest limit – 100 registrations.  The ​​program is for ​​​​​BROWSER version of the game only. No mobile traffic is allowed.Join Hero Wars [SOI] Many GEOs affiliate campaign!Hero Wars is an online action RPG with PvP and PvE modes. Due to the game’s countless hero combinations and battle mechanics, players can defeat much more powerful enemies through expertise and skill. As of now, the Hero Wars universe unites over 100,000,000 players around the world.Here’s why people choose Hero Wars:High-quality production. The in-game art and animations are widely praised by players. Great design. All heroes are unique characters rather than re-skins of each other. Heaps of in-game content. It includes a wide variety of team compositions and level-up options. Awesome loops (gameplay cycles). There are both independent and interconnected loops with an intuitive progress pathway for unlocking content. Good setting. There are no restrictions on introducing new characters – from mages to robots. Hardcore combat. Hero skills synergize with each other and counter each other. They can also be heavily modified by artifacts. Web version availability. All you need is a browser and internet connection. The “installation” and loading times for the game are significantly shorter than for mobile and standalone games. High socialization level among the core audience: alliances, server transfers, etc. Finite sessions. Do what you need, then move on to another session.Pros of joining the Hero Wars affiliate program:High rates for any geographic location Stable payouts High traffic approval rateRequirements for creatives: It is recomended to use official creatives. It is possible to use your own creatives based on the recommended ones, but only after the advertiser approval. If you create your own creatives, please avoid the military theme. Creative feedback from the publishers is welcome to improve a development of creatives.Prohibited methods ans sources: mobile traffic, brand search, traffic from social networks, incentivezed or rewarded traffic, cookie stuffing, spam, pop-ups or pop-unders (unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Advertiser), bot traffic, illegal third-party software, sources the content of which is of an adult or explicit nature, offensive, indecent or which is likely to, or could reasonably be viewed as likely to incite violence, crime, or racial or ethnic hatred, sources about politics or war actions, sources the placement of Advertising Materials on which is likely, or could reasonably be viewed as likely, to tarnish or damage the reputation of the Advertiser.

Start date
€0.50 – 6.50
Cookie Time
30 days
Deeplink supported
Deeplink support: false
Discount codes
Discount codes: false
Search engine marketing
Search engine marketing: false
Email marketing
Email marketing: false
Cashback allowed
Cashback: false